Top "Shunting-yard" questions

The Dijkstra Shunting-yard algorithm is a very general, linear time, stack-based algorithm for parsing mathematical expressions.

How can I modify my Shunting-Yard Algorithm so it accepts unary operators?

I've been working on implementing the Shunting-Yard Algorithm in JavaScript for class. Here is my work so far: var userInput = …

javascript algorithm shunting-yard
Infix to postfix algorithm that takes care of unary operators

The I/p to the algo will be an expression like this: a+(-b) a*-b+c i.e any …

c algorithm shunting-yard
Shunting-yard algorithm in c++

I need a function that takes an infix string (like "3 + 4 * 9"), and convert it to postfix (like "4 9 * 3 +"). I got it working …

c++ infix-notation postfix-notation shunting-yard
Java Expression Parser & Calculator Shunting Yard Algorithm

So the task is to create our own parser for a expression calculator. For Example: Input: 3+2*1-6/3 Output: 3 Input: 3++2 Output: …

java expression unary-operator shunting-yard
Problems with a shunting yard algorithm

I have successfully implemented a shunting yard algorithm in java. The algorithm itself was simple however I am having trouble …

java subtraction shunting-yard