Top "Postfix-notation" questions

Postfix notation (also known as Reverse Polish Notation, RPN) is a mathematical notation wherein every operator follows all of its operands, in contrast to Polish notation, which puts the operator in the prefix position.

Convert from an infix expression to postfix (C++) using Stacks

My lecturer gave me an assignment to create a program to convert and infix expression to postfix using Stacks. I've …

c++ stack infix-notation postfix-notation
Postfix Calculator Java

Ok so I have to read in a postfix expression from a file. The postfix expression must have spaces to …

java calculator postfix-notation stack
Infix to postfix algorithm in python

For my data structures class I have to create a basic graphing calculator using Python 3. The requirement is that we …

algorithm python-3.x postfix-notation infix-notation
Evaluating postfix in python?

I want to write a fucnction to evaluate a postfix expression passed as a list. So far I have got: …

python postfix-notation
How to put postfix expressions in a binary tree?

so i have a binary tree and a postfix expression "6 2 * 3 /" what is the algo to put it in a tree? …

algorithm tree postfix-notation
infix to postfix conversion for exponentiation operation

I am learning polish notation and i tried a program for infix to postfix conversion. My program executed in a …

c algorithm postfix-notation infix-notation
infix to postfix converter

I have been working on this infix to postfix/polis notation converter. Although, I do not feel the solution is …

c# converter postfix-notation
Postfix notation validation?

What would be a good way to evaluate a string(array, something) that contains a postfix expression(ex: 3 5 +) to check …

validation postfix-notation
Infix to postfix conversion in Python

I have started solving Data Structure problems in Python. I am implementing infix to postfix but not able to debug …

python stack postfix-notation infix-notation
Shunting-yard algorithm in c++

I need a function that takes an infix string (like "3 + 4 * 9"), and convert it to postfix (like "4 9 * 3 +"). I got it working …

c++ infix-notation postfix-notation shunting-yard