Top "Sharepoint" questions

For SharePoint-specific questions, please see the SharePoint Stack Exchange (https://sharepoint.

Change SharePoint default date time format to dd MMM yyyy

How do we change SharePoint default date time format to dd MMM yyyy( e.g., 1 May 2013), We can change regional …

sharepoint datetime-format regional-settings
What is Microsoft SharePoint?

I have heard that Microsoft SharePoint was used by many companies. Could someone tell me briefly what is SharePoint and …

How can I delete a site template?

I created a site template from one of my sites, and now I want to delete it, but I can't …

sharepoint sharepointfoundation2010
The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. Using CSOM in ASP.NET

I'm tried to pull some SharePoint 2013 list data I created which works fine when running locally on my machine and … sharepoint http-status-code-401 csom
SharePoint list CAML query using CONTAINS

I'm trying to query a SharePoint list using the following CAML query in a webpart. I have tested the query …

sharepoint wss caml
How do I apply colors to a SharePoint List, based on Status?

I would like to apply colours to a SharePoint List's rows based on status or similar. Please could someone tell …

sharepoint conditional-formatting
Sharepoint: Check if a user is member of a group

how can I check if a user (not the one currently logged in) is member of a certain group? Trying …

sharepoint usergroups
SharePoint Redirect site logo link to the root site collection home page

I want the site logo link in the master page to always redirect to the root site collection home page. …

sharepoint sharepoint-2013
SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Web.Url) vs SPContext.Current.Web.Site

Why do some SharePoint examples use using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Web.Url)) { ... } and not just simply? SPSite …

sharepoint sharepoint-2010
createElement <a href=variable1>variable2</a>

I have a requirement to create a navigation web part within SharePoint 2010. I am using a table to display the …

javascript html sharepoint createelement