Top "Sharepoint" questions

For SharePoint-specific questions, please see the SharePoint Stack Exchange (https://sharepoint.

ASP.NET vs SharePoint - which one is better for web developers?

I have less information about share point (only basic info). Microsoft released SharePoint for web developers. Microsoft also said SharePoint …

c# .net sharepoint
CAML queries: how to filter folders from result set?

I'm using caml query to select all documents which were modified or added by user. Query runs recursively on all …

sharepoint caml
What is the purpose of zones in sharepoint? (web application zones or authentication zones or how do they call it)

I can't understand the concept and, first of all, where it belongs. Is it solely a Shrepoint concept or more …

sharepoint authentication zones
How to determine if a file exists in a SharePoint SPFolder

Is there a way other than looping through the Files in a SPFolder to determine if a give filename (string) …

The tail of the log for the database "DBName" has not been backed up

I tried to restore a database using the following query: ALTER DATABASE [DatabaseName] SET Single_User WITH Rollback Immediate GO …

c# sql sql-server-2005 sharepoint
Error Occurred in Deployment step 'Recycle IIS Application Pool'

We have more than 3 developers working on a single solution file. Because of this, we cannot add them all in …

visual-studio-2010 sharepoint access-denied
Sign in as different user in SharePoint 2013

I use SharePoint 2013 and I need to change my current user in my SharePoint site. How can I change my …

sharepoint sharepoint-2013
What is the best way to retrieve distinct / unique values using SPQuery?

I have a list that looks like: Movie Year ----- ---- Fight Club 1999 The Matrix 1999 Pulp Fiction 1994 Using CAML and …

sharepoint caml spquery
U2U Caml Query Builder no longer available?

I'm trying to download the fantastic U2U Caml Query Builder but all the links I'm finding are dead and …

sharepoint caml
How to refresh a parent page after closing sharepoint dialog?

How to refresh a parent page after closing sharepoint dialog? Here is my coding to open a pop-up. <input …

c# sharepoint dialog modal-dialog