Top "Sharedpreferences" questions

SharedPreferences allows you to save and retrieve persistent key-value pairs of primitive data types in Android applications.

MODE_MULTI_PROCESS for SharedPreferences isn't working

I have a SyncAdapter running on its own process separately from the main app process. I'm using a static wrapper …

android multiprocessing sharedpreferences
Difference Between commit and apply in Android SharedPreferences

SharedPreferences are used to save Application data in Android. commit() and apply() both are used to save the changes in …

java android sharedpreferences
Android Unit Test : how to clear SharedPreferences

I am trying to clear all SharedPreferences added during my tests. I already read some posts and the official documentation (…

android unit-testing sharedpreferences android-testing
Get EditTextPreference value

I've created an EditTextPreference and now I want to get the value from any other activity. I've been trying a …

android android-edittext sharedpreferences edittextpreference
How to use Shared Preferences in MVP without Dagger and not causing Presenter to be Context dependent?

I'm trying to implement MVP without Dagger (for learning purposes). But I got to the problem - I use Repository …

android dependency-injection dependencies sharedpreferences mvp
How to make a custom Dialog Preference inside Preference

I searched all Around this forum , but not getting what i exactly need. I need a Custom DialogPreference in Preference …

android sharedpreferences android-preferences listpreference dialog-preference
Shared preferences between two processes of the same application

I'm writing an Android app that contains both UI and separate processes running. I want to share simple information between …

android sharedpreferences android-service
Android M weird shared preferences issue

On my Nexus 5 running Android M Developer Preview 2, when uninstalling/reinstalling an app, the device is retrieving shared preferences I …

android sharedpreferences android-6.0-marshmallow
android SharedPreferences putStringSet order/sort

I try to save/restore a set of string and all is working except one thing. When i create my …

android save sharedpreferences