Top "Sharedpreferences" questions

SharedPreferences allows you to save and retrieve persistent key-value pairs of primitive data types in Android applications.

Read speed of SharedPreferences

How fast are SharedPreferences? Is there a way to put them in memory for reading? I have a small amount …

android performance sharedpreferences
Reset SharedPreferences?

I used the method in ShredPreferences, this way I saved my app-settind, But I have a question. Is it possible …

android methods settings sharedpreferences reset
How to clear old preferences when updating Android app?

I have an app on the Google Play market. For various reasons that I won't bother going into, I have …

android sharedpreferences preferences
How secure are SQLite and SharedPreferences files on Android?

First, a bit of my background. I have been working on large web systems for over a decade, Android is …

android security sqlite sharedpreferences
Checkbox Preference and Checking if its enabled or disable

Im having issues with the below code on making a checkbox preference, That by default is checked. My first activity …

android sharedpreferences splash-screen android-preferences android-checkbox
Google drive to back up and restore database and shared preferences of Android application

I need to create a backup of my application which would include creating a backup of 2 databases and also the …

android google-drive-api backup sharedpreferences database-backups
Xamarin Forms Sharedpreferences cross

I'd like to know what is the best solution to manipulate application settings in a cross-platform way. In iOS we …

sharedpreferences cross-platform xamarin.forms application-settings
What is the name of SharedPreferences file name?

I am new to Android and I am kind of stuck for 6 hours straight. The problem is I don't know …

android sharedpreferences android-preferences preferenceactivity
How can I backup SharedPreferences to SD card?

I saw in a lot of places that it's a problem to copy the SharedPreferences file to the sd card …

android sharedpreferences android-preferences
Android: how to get list of all preference xml's for my app and read them?

how to get list of all application preferences for application, 1. I am saving shared preference in this manner 2. I know …

android sharedpreferences android-preferences readfile android-file