Top "Setuptools" questions

Setuptools builds on Python’s distutils to provide easier building, distribution, and installation of libraries and applications.

Python project using protocol buffers, Deployment issues

I have a Python project that uses setuptools for deployment and I mostly followed this guide regarding project structure. The …

python installation protocol-buffers setuptools software-distribution
Python include .json files in the egg

I want to package .json files as well in the python egg file. For example: boto package has endpoints.json …

python python-2.7 setuptools egg
Distribute a Python package with a compiled dynamic shared library

How do I package a Python module together with a precompiled .so library? Specifically, how do I write …

python package setuptools distutils
Is it possible to express a platform-specific dependency in without building platform-specific versions of my egg?

We have a placeholder egg that contains no code and only exists for the sake of pulling down a list …

python setuptools distutils
How to perform custom build steps in

The distutils module allows to include and install resource files together with Python modules. How to properly include them if …

python setuptools distutils
PIP install a Python Package without a file?

I'm trying to figure out how I can install a python package that doesn't have a file with …

python setuptools easy-install pip
How do setuptools, distribute, and pip relate to one another?

I've been teaching myself Python through the book "Learn Python The Hard Way" (2nd Edition). In exercise 46 it told me …

python pip setuptools distribute
What is "where" argument for in setuptools.find_packages?

working on a python project, I tried to separate source code and unit tests; here is the project structure: MyProject/ …

python setuptools packaging
Python Entry point 'console_scripts' not found

I'm unable to import entry point console scripts in my python package. Looking for help debugging my current issue, as …

python debian anaconda setuptools