Top "Setuptools" questions

Setuptools builds on Python’s distutils to provide easier building, distribution, and installation of libraries and applications.

Questions about Setuptools and alternatives

I've seen a good bit of setuptools bashing on the internets lately. Most recently, I read James Bennett's On packaging …

python packaging setuptools pip
broken easy_install and pip after upgrading to OS X Mavericks

Upgraded to OS X 10.9 Mavericks and installed XCode, Command Line Tools, XQuartz, etc. Trying to run a pip install now, …

python pip osx-mavericks setuptools easy-install
Extending setuptools extension to use CMake in

I'm writing a Python extension that links a C++ library and I'm using cmake to help with the build process. …

python c++ cmake setuptools packaging
Packaging resources with setuptools/distribute

I'm developing an Python egg that has several .txt dependencies (they're templates used to generate files by the egg itself), …

python setuptools distribute pypi
How to easily distribute Python software that has Python module dependencies? Frustrations in Python package installation on Unix

My goal is to distribute a Python package that has several other widely used Python packages as dependencies. My package …

python pip setuptools package-managers distribute
How can I add post-install scripts to easy_install / setuptools / distutils?

I would like to be able to add a hook to my that will be run post-install (either …

python setuptools distutils
Python How to get find_packages() to identify packages in subdirectories

I'm trying to create a file where find_packages() recursively finds packages. In this example, foo, bar, and …

python pip setuptools distutils
How can I use setuptools to generate a console_scripts entry point which calls `python -m mypackage`?

I am trying to be a good Pythonista and following PEP 338 for my package I plan on deploying. I am …

python deployment setuptools pep
setup_requires with Cython?

I'm creating a file for a project with some Cython extension modules. I've already gotten this to work: …

python build cython setuptools software-distribution
Using python_requires to require Python 2.7 or 3.2+

How do I use python_requires classifier in to require Python 2.7.* or 3.2+? I have tried many configurations, including …

python python-2.7 setuptools pypi