Top "Settings" questions

Settings may refer to the tweaking which can be used to help improve the user-experience or performance etc.

Android - Ethernet - Programmatically

I am developing an Android app which will be used by custom devices which will have ethernet support (and also …

android static settings ethernet dhcp
Is it possible to add info or help text to an iPhone settings bundle?

Several of the Apple-provided apps have informational/help text in their settings. For example, the Keyboard settings screen includes, under …

iphone settings plist settings.bundle
Turning off Ambient Mode in MI phones

After recent update MI note 5 pro shows ambient mode while charging. I want to disable ambient mode but did not …

android android-intent settings ambient
In Android (using Java), how can I set the ring volume (to a specified number)?

So in my application, I have a seekbar that allows the user to set the ringer volume (0 - 100). I can't …

java android settings volume vibration
User Settings vs Application Settings vs Resources in Visual Studio 2008

I'm a little confused by the different ways Visual Studio allows dynamic values to be saved to a project, and …

.net visual-studio-2008 resources application-settings settings
what's the best django profile / user settings application around?

I'm looking for a good django app that brings to me basic features like user profile editing password changing save …

django settings preferences django-apps
Show up-Button in actionBar in subscreen preferences

I've implemented my preferences like shown in the official guidelines. I have a PreferenceActivity which creates the PreferenceFragment like this: @…

android settings preferences preferenceactivity preferencefragment
Android: How to Toggle Between Vibrate Settings (Always, Never, Only in Silent Mode, Only When Not in Silent Mode)? Revisited

Issue Finding methods to toggle between: Always Never Only in Silent Mode Only When Not in Silent Mode These choices …

android settings vibration
Visual studio How to set the active test settings

Hi My question is about how can i set the active test settings in the project file for visual studio 2010, …

visual-studio-2010 file testing settings solution
What's the proper way to setup an Android PreferenceFragment?

I'm trying to implement a basic settings activity in an Android app and either get a blank white screen or …

android android-fragments android-actionbar settings preferences