Settings may refer to the tweaking which can be used to help improve the user-experience or performance etc.
I am trying to set the type of an application setting property to a custom enum type I have defined …
c# visual-studio-2010 settingsI use WebStorm on both my Mac and Windows for work purposes. I would like to know if it is …
intellij-idea settings webstorm keymapping keymapsI understand that the Brackets Beautify extension is based on JS Beautify, and that I have a suite of preference …
settings adobe-brackets js-beautifyNOTE The keyword here is "default". I know I can hit escape and the default behavior gets aborted. I don't …
c# ide settings visual-studio-2015 optionsHow can I make a PowerShell script to check the current Power plan, change it to "High performance" (if it's …
powershell settings energyI know this question is a little stupid but I cannot find where the settings of my preferences screen are …
android settings android-preferences preferencescreenI have two computers, a desktop and a laptop. Now I have set up my ENV to sync with the …
synchronization sublimetext3 settings sublimetext package-managersI know that parts of this question was asked in several variation but I want to make sure I got …
iphone deployment settings submissionIn Enterprise Architect when I model a class and specify the implementation language of the class, then use an instance …
settings enterprise-architectThis might seem like a strange question, but can I actually shut down the iPhone and restart it in the …
iphone settings ios-simulator save shutdown