Top "Service-reference" questions

A Service Reference is a Visual Studio construct which generates code from service metadata (possibly from a service WSDL).

How to configure WCF in a separate dll project

I'm developing a web application (ASP.NET 3.5) that will consume a number of web services. I have created a separate … wcf service-reference wcf-configuration
Why should I use Visual Studio service references over svcutil?

So it seems like I have a couple of major options when getting WCF service proxy code into a project …

visual-studio wcf service-reference
error downloading $metadata from webservice

I am trying to add web reference when adding web reference url in windows application it shows error like this. …

c# winforms web-services service-reference
Version-control: svcmap, disco, xsd, wsdl, svcinfo and datasource files

We have a webservice named, let's say Foo. So there is a Foo.svc file and a code behind Foo.…

web-services version-control service-reference
Add service reference failed

I hosted my wcf using iis 7.0, the url is: when i add service reference …

.net wcf visual-studio service-reference
Error adding service reference: Type is a recursive collection data contract which is not supported

I tried to add a service reference to a WCF service that resides in the same solution from an ASP.…

.net wcf exception-handling wsdl service-reference
Could not resolve mscorlib for target framework '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1'

When I'm trying to update or configure service reference in .NET 4.6.1 project, VS throws next error: Could not resolve mscorlib …

c# visual-studio visual-studio-2017 service-reference mscorlib
Add Header to the Simple Web Service Request

I have a Console application, I add a Web reference simply by write click and use "Add Service Reference", then …

c# web-services header .net-4.5 service-reference