Top "Mscorlib" questions

Multilanguage Standard Common Object Runtime Library.

Visual Studio 2010: Could not resolve mscorlib for target framework '.NETFramework,Version=v4.0'

We are currently migrating all our solutions from 2005 to 2010 (that's right, we're skipping 2008!). We are also changing our file structure …

c# .net visual-studio mscorlib
'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

Thank you in advance! I'm writing an application to read a txt file and write to Excel. To start small …

c# .net argumentexception mscorlib
An unhandled exception of type 'System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

I am getting the following error when calling a method in a webservice, not developed by me. An unhandled exception …

visual-studio-2010 c#-4.0 mscorlib
Using system types in XAML as resources

I have encountered a situation where it would be very useful to specify a floating point value directly in XAML …

wpf xaml resourcedictionary staticresource mscorlib
The assembly mscorlib.dll was not found or could not be loaded

Firstly, I've seen this question, and while the problem seems similar, it is not the same. I'm running a trimmed …

.net mono mscorlib xbuild
Visual Studio 2015 - C# Windows Universal App missing assembly reference

Today I cloned my windows universal app project from github onto a new machine running a new install of Visual …

c# visual-studio-2015 win-universal-app mscorlib
MSBUILD / csc: Cleanest way of handling x64 mscorlib warning 1607

I'm trying to use VS08SP1's default project system to invoke a C# compile in explicit x64 mode (as …

msbuild warnings 64-bit csc mscorlib
Curious to mscorlib reference

I am curious as to the mscorlib reference in different project templates. When I create a WPF project, I cannot …

.net silverlight frameworks mscorlib
compile error CS0305 Using the generic type List

While csc /t:library strconcat.cs with using System.Collections.Generic; I get an error strconcat.cs(9,17): error CS0305: Using …

c# sql-server clr csc mscorlib