Top "Sequence" questions

A sequence is an ordered list of objects (or events).

How to slice a list from an element n to the end in python?

I'm having some trouble figuring out how to slice python lists, it is illustrated as follows: >>> test = …

python list sequence slice
Oracle: sequence MySequence.currval is not yet defined in this session

What does this mean, and how can I get around it? SELECT MySequence.CURRVAL FROM DUAL; Result: ORA-08002: sequence MySequence.…

oracle sequence
TCP Sequence Number

I'm trying to understand how the sequence numbers of the TCP header are generated. In some places I read that …

tcp numbers sequence rfc
XML Entity for "/"?

So I'm writing some XML generating code, and found that the following attribute value was screwing up the XML formatting: "…

xml entity escaping sequence
python: get number of items from list(sequence) with certain condition

Assuming that I have a list with huge number of items. l = [ 1, 4, 6, 30, 2, ... ] I want to get the number of items …

python list count functional-programming sequence
How do I check if a sequence exists or not in Oracle 11g?

I am using Oracle 11g. I want to be able to determine whether a particular sequence exists or not. I …

oracle oracle11g sequence
Get current value from a SQL Server SEQUENCE

I want to get the current value from my sequence - the same value that is shown in the sequence …

tsql sequence sql-server-2012
Why does PostgreSQL perform sequential scan on indexed column?

Very simple example - one table, one index, one query: CREATE TABLE book ( id bigserial NOT NULL, "year" integer, -- …

postgresql indexing sequence database-scan
UUID performance in MySQL?

We're considering using UUID values as primary keys for our MySQL database. The data being inserted is generated from dozens, …

mysql performance innodb sequence uuid
How to create a sequence of integers in C#?

F# has sequences that allows to create sequences: seq { 0 .. 10 } Create sequence of numbers from 0 to 10. Is there something similar in …

c# .net f# sequence