Top "Sequence" questions

A sequence is an ordered list of objects (or events).

Using Stride in Swift 2.0

I'm trying to figure out how to use the Stride features in Swift. It seems to have changed again, since …

swift sequence stride
How to annotate id so it's autoincrements without SEQUENCE table?

I have a trouble generating id's for new entities, i tried: @Id @GeneratedValue private Long myId; and @Id @GeneratedValue(generator="…

hibernate jpa sequence auto-generate
Log4Net configuration - LevelMatchFilter

As there are following levels in log4net ALL DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR FATAL OFF Can anyone please tell me …

filter log4net sequence
Postgresql - Using subqueries with alter sequence expressions

Is it possible to use subqueries within alter expressions in PostgreSQL? I want to alter a sequence value based on …

sql postgresql subquery sequence alter
Inserting multiple rows with sequence in Oracle

This is the query i have used for insert multiple rows in oracle database. But when am using sequence within …

oracle sequence multiple-insert
Creating Oracle sequence that starts with alphanumeric

I want to create sequence to start with character inv and increment by 1 The values to be INV01 INV02 INV03 …

oracle sequence alphanumeric
How can I make A future of future into one future object?

Env: Akka 2.1, scala version 2.10.M6, JDK 1.7,u5 Now is my problem: I have: future1 = Futures.future(new Callable<Future&…

java scala sequence akka future
How to return primary key from oracle merge query

I want to return the primary key from an oracle merge query. I'm using a single statement to insert if …

oracle merge oracle10g sequence sql-returning
How to compute multiple sequence alignment for text strings

I'm writing a program which has to compute a multiple sequence alignment of a set of strings. I was thinking …

python string text alignment sequence
When to use forEach(_:) instead of for in?

As documented in both Array and Dictionary forEach(_:) Instance methods: Calls the given closure on each element in the sequence …

swift loops foreach sequence for-in-loop