Top "Sendasynchronousrequest" questions

APNS :Error Domain = NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840

Im registering device data with the server, to get push notification. Here it goes the code, [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest: request queue: _…

ios json apple-push-notifications sendasynchronousrequest
Error message : [MC] Reading from public effective user settings & [MC] System group container for path is

When I use the following code, I have error messages : [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:request queue:myQueue completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, …

ios objective-c xcode nsurlconnection sendasynchronousrequest
How to manage the 5 seconds response timeout limit in Dialogflow /

I am using Dialogflow to create an agent / bot which responds to different types of user queries with action items …

asynchronous dialogflow-es sendasynchronousrequest request-timed-out
How to test a sendAsynchronousRequest: on XCTest

Sorry for the noob question, but I'm trying to test a connection, but I'm not able do verify the return …

iphone objective-c sendasynchronousrequest xctest