Top "Semantics" questions

The study of meaning as it applies to programming languages

LDAP Syntax/Semantics: Filter vs. Base DN?

This is probably pretty stupid, but I'm still green to LDAP. So I hope someone can lend me a hand. …

syntax ldap filtering semantics ldap-query
HTML5 <section>'s inside <article> and header

I'm trying to make a semantic HTML5 code and not sure if it will be right. Visualy I have an …

html structure semantics article
Counting in SPARQL

Ok so i have this query PREFIX rdfs: <> SELECT DISTINCT (COUNT(?instance) AS ?…

semantics rdf sparql dbpedia
How to correctly format PHP 'IF ELSE' statements?

It's been a long running issue that I've come across in many-a-hot-and-steamy coding sessions. One person codes this way another …

php code-formatting readability if-statement semantics
H1 in article page - site title or article title?

Within an article-oriented page (such as a blog post), the <h1> element (level 1 heading) is commonly used to …

html usability accessibility semantics
Is there a valid way to wrap a dt and a dd with an HTML element?

I wish HTML could do something semantically equivalent to this; <dl class="main-list"> <definitionitem> <dt&…

html validation semantics w3c specifications
RPC semantics what exactly is the purpose

I was going through the rpc semantics, at-least-once and at-most-once semantics, how does they work? Couldn't understand the concept of …

networking rpc semantics
What exactly defines production?

Like almost anyone who's been programming for a while, I'm familiar with the term "production code" and have a vague …

definition semantics production
boost spirit semantic action parameters

in this article about boost spirit semantic actions it is mentioned that There are actually 2 more arguments being passed: the …

c++ parsing semantics boost-spirit boost-spirit-qi
What does the HTML acronym "span" stands for?

I guess that <div> might actually stand for: "division" since it creates a division in the document by …

html xhtml tags semantics markup