Top "Semantics" questions

The study of meaning as it applies to programming languages

HTML table td meaning

In HTML table, what does td stand for? I mean literally, what is it an acronym for? Table division? Table …

html html-table semantics
GET vs POST in Ajax

What is the difference between GET and POST for Ajax requests? I don't see any difference between those two, except …

ajax semantics
html5: using header or footer tag twice?

quick question: is it actually allowed to use the header tag twice? e.g. i have two important head-sections in …

html header semantics
Class or ID on Body Tag

I've been applying an ID to the body tag of my HTML documents lately to allow greater CSS control (#9). Recently …

html css markup semantics
Does anyone knows what "rimraf" means?

Ok for the recursive options when deleting files, but what is "rimraf" ? Is it an acronym ? Does it come from …

node.js semantics
Python: Semantic similarity score for Strings

Are there any libraries for computing semantic similarity scores for a pair of sentences ? I'm aware of WordNet's semantic database, …

python semantics wordnet similarity
When is it better to use a Tuple versus a KeyValuePair?

I've generally used the KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue> type whenever I have data that is pair-related in the sense …

.net semantics
Is there an algorithm that tells the semantic similarity of two phrases

input: phrase 1, phrase 2 output: semantic similarity value (between 0 and 1), or the probability these two phrases are talking about the same …

algorithm nlp semantics
Double quotes vs single quotes in JavaScript

Possible Duplicate: When to Use Double or Single Quotes in JavaScript Are there differences between ' and " I am wondering …

javascript syntax semantics