Top "Selector" questions

A selector can be a string identifying a method name in the Objective-C or Smalltalk programming language or a special kind of switch used in computers to connect multiple lines (I/O) to a single line.

JQuery: How to select all elements with same class besides the one clicked?

I guess I'm looking for an opposite to $(this). If I have 3 elements with the same class how can I …

jquery class selector this next
FBML multi friend selector in fb:dialog

Is there a way to show the multi friend selector widget (fb:multi-friend-selector) in an fb:dialog? I have a …

selector fbml friend
Swift access control with target selectors

Have a look at this example code: class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let letterButton = UIButton.buttonWithType(.Custom) …

ios swift selector
Problem with NSSortDescriptor using custom comparator via selector

I want to use a sortdescriptor with a custom comparator NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"object.dateTime" ascending:YES selector:@…

iphone selector nssortdescriptor
A nice way to perform a selector on the main thread with two parameters?

I'm searching for a nice way to perform a selector on the main thread with two parameters I really like …

objective-c multithreading selector nsinvocation ios-3.x
selector as parameter in IOS

I want to raise a different method for each created button. I try to call "FirstImage" method in viewDidLoad but …

ios selector
app references non-public selectors in Payload/<<Appname> id,setId

I submitted my iOS app today and got a validation warning: app references non-public selectors in Payload/ id,setId The …

ios facebook validation selector application-loader
NSURLConnection delegate methods on background thread

EDIT2 - Rewrote the question I want to do some web service communication in the background. I am using Sudzc …

ios nsurlconnection selector grand-central-dispatch sudzc
How to select the last one of a certain element in JavaScript

I have several <select> elements in my page. Is there any easy way to select the last one …

javascript dom css-selectors selector getelementbyid