Top "Selector" questions

A selector can be a string identifying a method name in the Objective-C or Smalltalk programming language or a special kind of switch used in computers to connect multiple lines (I/O) to a single line.

Is there a way to select an open select box in css?

I set a background image (arrow down) to a select box after setting the webkit-appearance attribute to none. When the …

html css select selector html-select
Perform Selector With Object in swift 3

I am trying to perform selector with object in swift 3.0 I have a selector which have one parameter func imageSelected(…

ios swift3 selector ios10
Swift - How to call Selector() on method with arguments?

I'm learning Swift and need to call my method on tap, here is the code: var gestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer() myView.addGestureRecognizer(…

ios function swift selector
CSS Sibling Selector w/ Hover

So here's what I'm trying to do: I have two icons side by side, and underneath I have two spans …

html css selector siblings
Should I fix Xcode 5 'Semantic issue: undeclared selector'?

I'm trying to upgrade my app with Xcode5 but encountered a number of 'Semantic issues' in a third party library (…

ios selector semantics xcode5
Programming a UIButton is not working in Swift 4 Xcode 9 Beta 6, Cannot add target

In the past I had no problem creating a UIButton programmatically, but ever since I've been using Xcode 9 and Swift 4, …

uibutton selector swift4 xcode9-beta addtarget
Finding an element after a specific element using jQuery

Using jQuery selectors, how to find an element, such as div, immediately after another specific element? (not sibling, next() can …

jquery selector
passing parameters to a Selector in Swift

I am building an app for keeping track of reading assignments for a university course. Each ReadingAssignment has included a …

ios swift selector uitapgesturerecognizer
How do I select all inputs except under a specific id?

What I want to do is to select all the inputs buttons on the document, except those that reside under …

jquery html selector except
How to convert "SEL" and "id" to NSString?

id parent; SEL selector; // lot's of code... if ([parent respondsToSelector:selector]) { } else { // This doesn't work: NSString *errorMessage = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ in …

ios objective-c nsstring selector