Top "Select-string" questions

Select-String is a powershell cmdlet that finds text in strings and files.

How to get the captured groups from Select-String?

I'm trying to extract text from a set of files on Windows using the Powershell (version 4): PS > Select-String -AllMatches …

regex powershell select-string select-object
Extract lines matching a pattern from all text files in a folder to a single output file

I am trying to extract each line starting with "%%" in all files in a folder and then copy those lines …

powershell foreach filtering get-childitem select-string
select-string how to only return first match line in first file

I am searching a directory for pattern, switches are -SimpleMatch -List. But it returns a list of files. How to …

powershell select-string
Powershell Select-String -pattern -notMatch

I have lines - echo $LocalAdmins Administrator Domain-Administrator daemon SomeUser Line 1-3 should be same although there could be situation …

powershell select-string
Remove path from output

Using the following Select-String command in PowerShell: Select-String -Path E:\Documents\combined0.txt -Pattern "GET /ccsetup\.exe" -AllMatches > E:\…

powershell select-string
PowerShell Running Select-String on Variable vs on File

I'm trying to use a PowerShell script to extract my local network IP address from the output of ipconfig. I …

powershell pipeline select-string
Select-string escape character

I'm trying to search directory c:\bats\ for batch files containing the unc path \\server\public Command: Get-ChildItem -path c:\…

powershell escaping character unc select-string
powershell select-string not working correctly

I'm a beginner to powershell and having I suspect what will be a simple problem. I'm trying to do the …

powershell select-string
Select-String in Powershell only displaying part of the line from a text file, need it to display whole thing

I am trying to write a simple PS script to check large .txt log files for a short string: "SRVE0242…

powershell cmdlet select-string
In Powershell can i use the select-string -quiet switch within a foreach statement

i am trying to write a script to check if a string is within a file, if it is then …

powershell select-string