Top "Seam" questions

JBoss Seam is an open source enterprise framework in Java.

How to dynamically pass arguments to messages in the resource bundle

I would like to retrieve the message information from the i18n bundle ( in seam), but I am …

jsf internationalization seam richfaces resourcebundle
What would cause an Hibernate InvalidStateException

I get this error, even though there are no validation constraints in my model class (all of the member variables …

hibernate jpa seam
dropdown menu "Conversion Error setting value '' for 'null Converter'"

So i am using seam to try to make a dropdown menu to add a delivery to a database. I'm …

java drop-down-menu seam
Using a4j:support to update the model and view, ready for the next button/submit action

The Problem We have a swing based front end for an enterprise application and now are implementing a (for now …

jsf richfaces seam ajax4jsf
Two web apps on one domain with different context roots?

I have a problem. I have two web apps deployed as wars. Let's call them app1.war and app2.war. …

jboss dns seam single-sign-on
perf4j @Profiled annotation not working

I have gone thru the below link from perf4J site and have done same to same: http://perf4j.…

spring log4j seam spring-aop perf4j
JPA Entiy on synonym instead of table

I have a Seam 2.2 based Java EE 5 web application with a bunch of tables mapped to JPA 1.0 Entities via Hibernate 3.3.3. …

hibernate jpa oracle10g seam java-ee-5
Concurrent call to conversation

I'm using Seam and getting a "Concurrent call to conversation" error. What does this mean? I have a button that …

seam seam-conversation
<a4j:commandLink> Not Rerendering

I'm trying to display a shopping cart in my application (Seam/RichFaces), and have included a "remove from cart" <…

ajax jsf richfaces seam
Conditionally required jsf validation in a4j form

I'm having a little problem with using conditionally evaluated expression in jsf/a4j Here's my code <a4j:…

java jsf seam ajax4jsf