Top "Perf4j" questions

Perf4J is a set of utilities for calculating and displaying perfomance statistics for Java code.

How to configure load-time weaving with AspectJ and Tomcat?

I tried to configure load-time weaving (for doing profiling with Perf4J) in the next way: 1) I added aop.xml …

java tomcat aspectj load-time-weaving perf4j
perf4j settings for logback.xml

hi folks I want to know exact config settings of logback.xml when it was using with perf4j. i …

java performance unit-testing testing perf4j
perf4j @Profiled annotation not working

I have gone thru the below link from perf4J site and have done same to same: http://perf4j.…

spring log4j seam spring-aop perf4j