Top "Script-tag" questions

The <script> tag is an HTML element used to embed or include an executable script within an (x)HTML document/web-page.

Use wildcard in src attribute of <script> tag?

Ok, stupid question and I don't think it's possible but, I have this markup at the top of my .aspx …

javascript html wildcard script-tag
<script> tag not working in html <head> or external js file

Trying to require js in an HTML file. Required the external js files through the tags seen below <script …

jquery html onclicklistener script-tag external-js
Why is script.onload not working in a Chrome userscript?

I want to load another script file, in a site, using a userscript. But, the js.onload event doesn't work …

javascript google-chrome userscripts script-tag
DOMDocument remove script tags from HTML source

I used @Alex's approach here to remove script tags from a HTML document using the built in DOMDocument. The problem …

php html-parsing xss domdocument script-tag
correctly adding defer attribute to script tag with pure javascript

so I try to add a deferred script tag like this const script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('src', '/…

javascript setattribute script-tag deferred-loading
What language types are allowed in the HTML script tag?

I was looking at the W3C specs for the script tag, and I noticed you can specify VBScript and …

html w3c script-tag
How can I include an external javascript file that contains coldfusion code?

I have a few coldfusion files that use the same exact javascript code. I want to separate the javascript out …

javascript coldfusion script-tag
Checking if external JS library is loaded or not

My current set-up has the user click on a link to load content dynamically, which also includes loading in scripts. …

jquery google-maps google-maps-api-3 script-tag
How can I tell whether a JavaScript file has already been included in an ASP.NET page?

I have an ASP.NET user control (.ascx file). In this user control I want to use a .js file. … javascript html script-tag