Top "Runatserver" questions

runat="server" is an attribute set to asp.

Why does ASP.NET webforms need the Runat="Server" attribute?

Why do I have to specify runat="server" on all my ASP.NET controls when it is a mandatory attribute … runatserver
Must be Placed Inside a Form Tag With runat=server

I have been attempting this all morning with no results. I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. …

c# html tags runatserver
ASP.Net Master Page and File path issues

I'm trying to add a script reference to jQuery in my master page so that it will work for any … javascript jquery runatserver
Getting ID from runat server in jQuery

I'm trying make some stuff in jQuery using ASP.NET. But the ID from runat="server" is not the same …

javascript jquery runatserver
document.getElementById('id').value failing in javascript function

Hidden fields: <input type="hidden" id="hidOrg1" runat="server" value="" /> <input type="hidden" id="hidBT" runat="server" …

javascript c# getelementbyid runatserver
How can I access runat="server" ASP element using javascript?

It seems everyone is doing this (in code posts etc.)...but I don't know how. :( Whenever I try to manipulate … javascript runatserver
ASP: runat=server for dynamic control

In the Page_Load method I create a couple of controls, based on various conditions. I would like to register … runatserver
What is the status of runat="server" tags in ASP.NET MVC?

Some texts on ASP.NET MVC state that "there are no runat server tags", even this MSDN article says this, …

.net runatserver
ASP.Net error - type is not compatible with the type of control

I have a web site i created using VS2012 web edition, Running a asp web site, In the … .net visual-studio-2012 runatserver
Error in table when adding runat=server

I have a html table in my ASPX page and would like to use it in code-behind for some processing. …

c# .net html-table runatserver