Top "Runatserver" questions

runat="server" is an attribute set to asp.

what's the difference between <% %> and <script language="vbscript" runat="server"> in classic asp?

I couldn't find much documentation on the web so far now, the obvious difference seems to be that you cant …

asp-classic vbscript runatserver
How Access A Server-Side div In Code Behind (Inside Content Page)

How to access a server-side div in code behind (inside content page)? mean there is a div in content page …

c# visual-studio-2010 runatserver content-pages
LinkButton in ASP.NET MVC

I need to instantiate some ASP LinkButtons onto an ASP.NET MVC view page. I've tried a few things, and … webforms runatserver asplinkbutton
How can I use runat="server" on a script tag in asp.Net

I don't necessarily need to run it at server, however, I would like to use the ~/js/somefile.js syntax. … relative-path script-tag runatserver
Loop through all html checkboxes in form

I would like to be able loop through all the html checkboxes in my form and if it is checked …

c# html runatserver
Run script on a runat=server control

how can you run a script on a control that has a runat=server attribute? Removing the runat=server makes …

javascript runatserver form runat server

i have a search form on every page, hence i put it on the master page. after adding runat=server …

c# forms runatserver
runat="server" breaks my jquery / css functionality

I have a page that changes media on a page, like pictures or PDF's, using JQuery so that each user …

jquery css runatserver