Top "Deferred-loading" questions

Use this tag for questions related to deferred loading of script, style and other resources into a web page.

CSS delivery optimization: How to defer css loading?

I am trying to optimize the CSS delivery following the google documentation for developers…

javascript html css google-pagespeed deferred-loading
DEFER or ASYNC allowed on a stylesheet include?

I know script files can use the DEFER and ASYNC keywords on a resource include. Do these keywords also work …

html css asynchronous deferred-loading
Speed up page load by deferring images

I am creating a page which will contain a lot of large sized images, so naturally I want to make …

javascript jquery deferred-loading
Defer loading of JavaScript - Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined

I use google code to defer loading javascript (google pages) But I have some inline javascripts such as: <script …

javascript jquery deferred-loading asynchronous-javascript
correctly adding defer attribute to script tag with pure javascript

so I try to add a deferred script tag like this const script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('src', '/…

javascript setattribute script-tag deferred-loading
Defer loading and parsing of PrimeFaces JavaScript files

While analyzing the performance of a JSF 2.1 + PrimeFaces 4.0 webapp with Google PageSpeed, it recommends among others to defer parsing of …

javascript jsf jsf-2 primefaces deferred-loading
Understanding jQuery Deferred.pipe()

I am trying to implement the jQuery Deferred.pipe() method for the following scenario: Add a user in DB via $.…

jquery deferred-execution deferred-loading