Top "Schema-design" questions

Database design is the process of specifying the structure and thus the logical aspects of a database.

Using multiple PostgreSQL schemas with Rails models

I have a PostgreSQL database for my Rails application. In the schema named 'public' the main Rails models tables are …

ruby-on-rails postgresql models database-schema schema-design
MongoDB Schema Design - Real-time Chat

I'm starting a project which I think will be particularly suited to MongoDB due to the speed and scalability it …

mongodb rabbitmq activemq schema-design nosql
What do people use for CN with inetOrgPerson in LDAP directories

I've been using givenName+" "+surname for the CN field and I woke up screaming last night 'what about John Smith'? …

ldap openldap schema-design
MongoDB: Schema design for stock tick database

I need to store daily stock closing prices as well as tick data in MongoDB. How would you design such …

mongodb schema-design stockquotes