Top "Scheduling" questions

In computer science, scheduling is the method by which threads, processes or data flows are given access to system resource.

How keep NSTimer when application entering background?

I'm here because a didn't find any solutions for my issue :( I'm doing an simple application in which i have …

ios background scheduling nstimer foreground
Teacher time schedule algorithm

This is a problem I've had on my mind for a long time. Being the son of a teacher and …

algorithm scheduling np-hard
how to schedule a task in MVC4 C#?

I wanna create a notification system on my website?(something like stack-overflow) How can we schedule a task for mailing … scheduling
Quartz.NET vs Windows Scheduled Tasks. How different are they?

I'm looking for some comparison between Quartz.NET and Windows Scheduled Tasks? How different are they? What are the pros …

windows scheduled-tasks scheduling
Can't find "org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobDetailBean" spring + quartz

I have in my build path both quartz 1.8.3.jar and Spring 3.0.6 jars, but the package that appears in all tutorials …

spring scheduling quartz-scheduler
Quartz Java resuming a job executes it many times

For my application I create jobs and schedule them with CronTriggers. Each job has only one trigger and both the …

java scheduling scheduled-tasks quartz-scheduler
How to Pass Arguments to Timertask Run Method

I have a method and I want it to be scheduled for execution in later times. The scheduling time and …

java scheduling timertask
Scheduling Employees - what data structure to use?

Question I'm trying to write a simple employee Scheduling software for about 10-20 people in my software development company. After …

database-design data-structures scheduling
Round-Robin Scheduling with Arrival Times

So in class, my professor was going over round robin scheduling. Consider this situation: Job | Arrival | Burst A | 0 | 3 B | 1 | 5 C | 3 | 4 …

scheduled-tasks scheduling round-robin
Autosys R11 job dependency with dependent-job run-time condition

In Autosys R11, I need job_b to run only if job_a succeeded within the last X hours. Apparently, …

time dependencies scheduling autosys