Top "Scheduling" questions

In computer science, scheduling is the method by which threads, processes or data flows are given access to system resource.

Run a powershell script in the background once per minute

I want a powershell script to be run once per minute in the background. No window may appear. How do …

windows powershell scheduling
How to calculate average waiting time of Round robin scheduling?

Given this table : Those are the time lines (time slice = 4) : |p1|p1|p2|p3|p4|p5|p1|p2|p3|p4|…

process scheduling gantt-chart
How to instruct cron to execute a job every second week?

I would like to run a job through cron that will be executed every second Tuesday at given time of …

linux unix cron scheduling
How to stop a Runnable scheduled for repeated execution after a certain number of executions

Situation I have a Runnable. I have a class that schedules this Runnable for execution using a ScheduledExecutorService with scheduleWithFixedDelay. …

java scheduling scheduled-tasks
Priority Preemptive Scheduling

When using Priority Preemptive Scheduling, does a higher priority yield way to a process with a lower priority but with …

process scheduling gantt-chart
Recommended method for loading a URL via a scheduled task on Windows

I have a webpage hosted on a Windows box that I need to assure gets loaded at least once/day. …

.net windows internet-explorer scheduling scheduled-tasks
PHP: running scheduled jobs (cron jobs)

I have a site on my webhotel I would like to run some scheduled tasks on. What methods of achieving …

php cron scheduling scheduled-tasks
Calling a function every 10 minutes

I'm not an expert, just a beginner. So I kindly ask that you write some code for me. If I …

java scheduling
Linux SCHED_OTHER, SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR - differences

Can someone explain the differences between SCHED_OTHER, SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR? Thanks

linux linux-kernel scheduler scheduling cfs
Whole one core dedicated to single process

Is there any way in Linux to assign one CPU core to a particular given process and there should not …

c linux linux-kernel cpu scheduling