I need to display a table in a console.
My simple solution, if you would call it a "solution", is as follows:
override def toString() = {
var res = "\n"
var counter = 1;
res += stateDb._1 + "\n"
res += " +----------------------------+\n"
res += " + State Table +\n"
res += " +----------------------------+\n"
for (entry <- stateDb._2) {
res += " | " + counter + "\t | " + entry._1 + " | " + entry._2 + " |\n"
counter += 1;
res += " +----------------------------+\n"
res += "\n"
We don't have to argue this
Actually, such a question was asked for C# but I would like to know a nice solution for Scala as well.
So what is a (nice/good/simple/whatever) way to draw such a table in Scala to the console?
| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
I've pulled the following from my current project:
object Tabulator {
def format(table: Seq[Seq[Any]]) = table match {
case Seq() => ""
case _ =>
val sizes = for (row <- table) yield (for (cell <- row) yield if (cell == null) 0 else cell.toString.length)
val colSizes = for (col <- sizes.transpose) yield col.max
val rows = for (row <- table) yield formatRow(row, colSizes)
formatRows(rowSeparator(colSizes), rows)
def formatRows(rowSeparator: String, rows: Seq[String]): String = (
rowSeparator ::
rows.head ::
rowSeparator ::
rows.tail.toList :::
rowSeparator ::
def formatRow(row: Seq[Any], colSizes: Seq[Int]) = {
val cells = (for ((item, size) <- row.zip(colSizes)) yield if (size == 0) "" else ("%" + size + "s").format(item))
cells.mkString("|", "|", "|")
def rowSeparator(colSizes: Seq[Int]) = colSizes map { "-" * _ } mkString("+", "+", "+")
scala> Tabulator.format(List(List("head1", "head2", "head3"), List("one", "two", "three"), List("four", "five", "six")))
res1: java.lang.String =
| one| two|three|
| four| five| six|