Top "Sass" questions

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is an extension of CSS adding features like nested rules, variables, mixins and class extensions.

Module not found: Can't resolve 'style'

I am trying to configure css modules using sass. I have followed some tutorials but none seem to work. The …

javascript reactjs webpack sass css-modules
node-sass installation issue

When I try to install node-sass using npm, I get the following error message: Cannot download "…

javascript node.js sass node-sass
Bootstrap 4 add more sizes spacing

I'm in the middle of a web project, where spaces between sections have 80px. I would like to create one …

css twitter-bootstrap sass spacing
What does Gulp's includePaths do?

I am attempting to start using Bourbon and Neat Sass libraries in my project. I want to compile Sass with …

sass gulp bourbon neat
css calc - round down with two decimal cases

I have the following situation: div { width: calc((100% / 11) - 9.09px); } In the context, 100% = 1440px, and 9.09px is generated in mathematics …

css sass css-calc
No such file or directory - getcwd

I uploaded my Sinatra app to Beanstalk. When I go to my site my logs are returned No such file …

ruby amazon-web-services sass sinatra amazon-elastic-beanstalk
Static assets not refreshing with symfony2 clear cache command

I'm using Assetic with the compass filter to pass and compile .scss files. This part of the setup seems to …

caching symfony sass compass-sass assetic
Yarn - Node Sass does not yet support my current environment

I'm using Sage WordPress starter theme - From today when I run yarn build (webpack …

node.js webpack sass yarnpkg package.json
Setting opacity on $primary-color in sass

Is there an option to include opacity on the colors you define to be your primary/secondary colors in the …

sass opacity
target first-child css styled-components

I am using styled-components and want to target the first child of Text, but am unable to do so. const …

css reactjs sass styled-components