Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is a standard for logging users into applications based on their sessions in another context.
I created a project with Spring Security SAML. I need to write a code (same project), which connects with another …
java spring spring-security saml spring-samlOur Java app is federated with customers ADFS 3.0 server. There is an issue after sending authentication requests (SP initiated) to …
windows-authentication saml saml-2.0 adfs adfs3.0I have a need to have multiple PRE_AUTH Spring Security filters. In particular I need to use a PRE_…
spring-security saml pre-authentication spring-samlI set up my SimpleSamlPhp(I have my IdP in another server) with Drupal. After logging into "http://localhost:31478/simplesaml/" …
authentication drupal saml simplesamlphpI developed a Service Provider by using Spring SAML. I've configured several IdPs, each of them with a different naming …
spring saml saml-2.0 spring-samlI am implementing an SP initiated web browser SAML SSO profile in JBOSS. My application is the SP. After login, …
saml saml-2.0 opensamlI want to setup a load-test with JMeter for performing SP initiated SSO's using SAMLv2 with a variety of users. …
jmeter load-testing saml openam