SimpleSAMLphp is an award-winning application written in native PHP that provides authentication and authorization infrastructure focused on the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML).
Seeking for guidance on the subject as I'm really stuck on this, I have a internal URL for an App …
php azure active-directory simplesamlphpAfter successfully receiving the SAML 2.0 token while using simplesamlphp as a Service Provider I get the following error. Oct 21 17:30:15 simplesamlphp …
single-sign-on saml simplesamlphpI have a SimpleSamlPHP implementation working as a Service Provider, so the workflow is as follows: IdP sends assertion to …
php single-sign-on saml saml-2.0 simplesamlphpAfter looking all over the Internet, particularly ADFS 2.0 InvalidNameIDPolcy Using SimpleSAMLphp to Authenticate against ADFS 2.0 IdP Requester/InvalidNameIDPolicy I tried …
php saml adfs2.0 simplesamlphpSimpleSAML_Error_Error: UNHANDLEDEXCEPTION Backtrace: 0 simplesamlphp/www/module.php:189 (N/A) Caused by: Exception: Unable to validate Signature Backtrace: 6 simplesamlphp/…
php ssl single-sign-on saml simplesamlphpI set up my SimpleSamlPhp(I have my IdP in another server) with Drupal. After logging into "http://localhost:31478/simplesaml/" …
authentication drupal saml simplesamlphpMy simplesaml was working perfectly until I upgraded Apache to 2.4.6 on Ubuntu The error I was getting : Forbidden You don't …