Top "Opensaml" questions

OpenSAML is a java and c++ library that provides low level handling of SAML messages

What are the different NameID format used for?

In SAML metadata file there are several NameID format defined, for example: <NameIDFormat>urn:mace:shibboleth:1.0:nameIdentifier</…

single-sign-on saml opensaml
What is the purpose of a SAML Artifact?

I've seen a bunch of flow chart on how it is passed around between Identity Provider (IdP), Service Provider (SP), …

saml saml-2.0 opensaml
Create SAML Assertion and Sign the response

I have a Java web application. I want to implement SAML Single-Sign-On login for my application. I have got this …

java single-sign-on saml-2.0 opensaml
Android Error in Eclipse: "Unable to execute dex: Cannot merge new index 65799 into a non-jumbo instruction!"

I am trying an Android project using OpenSAML using Eclipse. I have added all the required jar files in the …

android eclipse opensaml
How do I talk to ADFS from Java?

We have a website running on Caucho Resin. It's written primarily in Java using JSP. We have our own custom …

java saml adfs shibboleth opensaml
Consume SAMLResponse Token

SAML sp-based authentication has following short workflow. User wants to access application at sp. sp sends SAMLRequest token to idp. …

java authentication saml opensaml saml-2.0
Decrypting encrypted assertion using SAML 2.0 in java using OpenSAML

I have a problem while trying to decrypt encrypted assertion using SAML 2.0. The library I am using is OpenSAML Java …

java cryptography rsa saml-2.0 opensaml
How to read a private key for use with OpenSAML?

OK, this is another of those "I have no real idea where to start" questions, so hopefully the answer is …

java cryptography opensaml
HttpSession returned null object for SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT

I'm trying to integrate the Spring Saml library in a sample webapplication, using Shibboleth as IDP. I'm able to load …

spring spring-security saml-2.0 opensaml spring-saml
How to decode SAML Response and get the attribute values sent by Idp in PHP

I am implementing SAML Single Sign-On and using idp initiated method for login request. After login it redirect users on …

php single-sign-on saml opensaml