Top "Rxjs6" questions

RxJS6 is version 6 of Reactive Extensions for JavaScript, with some added changes in websocket, testing and bug fixes.

Where is RxJS 6 static merge?

In RxJS 6, how do I import a static merge function for merging a list of Observables? I want to be …

rxjs rxjs6
Processing a complex object by http get in Angular 6

I do not understand how to handle the object I subscribe to. The object is the following structure: { data:{ date: "2018…

angular typescript filter angular6 rxjs6
Using shareReplay(1) in Angular - still invokes http request?

I've created a demo (ng-run) where I have a button which invokes an Http request. When the button is clicked, …

javascript angular rxjs rxjs6
Why would I use RxJS interval() or timer() polling instead of window.setInterval()?

Use case: Call a function every minute (60000 ms) that dispatches store action to fetch lastUpdated status of items, which upon …

javascript typescript rxjs rxjs5 rxjs6
How do I use catchError() and still return a typed Observable with rxJs 6.0?

cdSo I'm trying to migrate some of my Angular 5 code to 6, and I understand most of the changes required for …

angular typescript typescript-typings rxjs6
error TS2339: Property 'takeUntil' does not exist on type 'Observable<Foo>' and other rxjs v.6 errors

I just recently updated A LOT of packages in my angular project. Old package.json: { "name": "data-jitsu", "version": "0.0.0", "license": "MIT", "…

angular typescript rxjs rxjs5 rxjs6
Angular v6, rxjs v6 error TS2339: Property 'pipe' does not exist on type 'OperatorFunction

I have updated code that worked fine with Angular 5.5/rxJS5.5 using the new pipe method to Angular 6/rxJS6 using the …

angular6 rxjs6
When should we use the RxJS tap operator?

I do not understand from the docs. Could anyone explain it to me?

rxjs rxjs6
mergeMap does not exist on type observable

I am trying to use mergeMap in rxjs6 and i am getting this error: Property 'mergeMap' does not exist on …

typescript rxjs reactivex rxjs6
Use tap() instead of map() RxJS and Angular

I have a login guard which basically check if the user il logged in. If he is logged, it skips …

angular redux rxjs observable rxjs6