Top "Rstudio" questions

RStudio is an IDE for the R statistical programming language.

How to convert R reveal.js presentation to pdf?

I made a presentation in R, using one of the reveal.js templates (using revealjs R package). By default, its …

r pdf rstudio r-markdown reveal.js
R markdown pandoc document conversion failed with error 1 after updating pandoc from 1.19 to 2.4

I recently installed pandoc 2.4 on Windows and the conversion failed with error 1 occurs for all knitting. I can't knit html, …

rstudio r-markdown knitr pandoc document-conversion
R rbind - numbers of columns of arguments do not match

How can I ignore a data set if some column names don't exist in it? I have a list of …

r rstudio weather rbind
How to create a table in Rstudio presentation

I'm trying to create a table in an RStudio .Rpres file. Below is what I have at this point from …

r rstudio r-markdown rpres
"long vectors not supported yet" error in Rmd but not in R Script

I am operating matrices with R 3.1 and RStudio 0.99. I have my R Script and with cmd+enter it works without …

r rstudio knitr r-markdown
Rstudio: Changing origin for git version control of project

I originally set up git in Rstudio while enrolled in the Data Scientist's Toolbox course at Coursera. Unfortunately, I did …

github rstudio bookdown
Semi-transparency in RStudio

I'm trying to create a plot with a semi-transparent confidence region around the regression line: library(car) library(ggplot2) library(…

r pdf ggplot2 rstudio alpha-transparency
plotting barchart in popup using leaflet library

Quick question all. I have some data in sql server which i have loaded into RStudio. I have made a …

r leaflet rstudio googlevis
read.csv replaces column-name characters like `?` with `.`, `-` with `...`

I'm using RStudio and my output on the Console gets truncated. I can't find how to stop the truncation (I …

r rstudio names read.csv