Top "Rstudio" questions

RStudio is an IDE for the R statistical programming language.

Setting path to git executable in RStudio under OSX Mountain Lion

I am running RStudio v. 0.97.237 under Mac OSX v. 10.8.2 (Mountain Lion). I am trying to set the path to my …

git osx-mountain-lion rstudio
Getting .Rprofile to Load at Startup

I have a global ~/.Rprofile file and another .Rprofile file located in my project's current working directory and both of …

r rstudio pandoc rprofile
object pdflatex not found on Windows 7

I work with RStudio (version 3.1.2). When I try to Knit PDF in my R Markdown script, I receive the following …

r latex rstudio r-markdown miktex
rstudio - is it possible to run a code in the background

Question regarding RStudio. Suppose I am running a code in the console: > code1() assume that code1() prints nothing on …

r rstudio
R exdir does not exist error

I'm trying to download and extract a zip file using R. Whenever I do so I get the error message …

r unzip rstudio
Enter passwords interactively in R or R Studio (Server)?

Is there a way in R to enter passwords interactively to the command line and hide them from the screen? …

r passwords rstudio rstudio-server
Code folding in RStudio: Creating hierarchy in the code

I'm writing R scripts in RStudio and I use the code folding a lot. I found that you can see …

r ide rstudio folding
Problems with installation R packages

I'm a Windows user. A few weeks ago I installed R and Rstudio along with many packages. Today there was …

r rstudio r-package
How to escape "$" in R markdown and slidify it?

When write some notes in R Markdown, I need to escape the dollar sign, making sentence within two dollar sign …

r rstudio r-markdown slidify
Unable to compile PDF in R Studio (LaTeX Error: File `lmodern.sty' not found.)

I can't compile the most basic PDF file in R studio. This is my error message: output file: Report.knit.…

r rstudio knitr pandoc