Top "Rss" questions

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format.

Getting image url from RSS feed using simplepie

I am very new to php and simplepie. I would like to be able to use simplepie to store an …

php rss simplepie
Exceptions with DateTime parsing in RSS feed in C#

I'm trying to parse Rss2, Atom feeds using SyndicationFeedFormatter and SyndicationFeed objects. But I'm getting XmlExceptions while parsing DateTime field …

exception datetime parsing rss xmlexception
how to create an rss feed using JSON?

I like to know how I could create a rss feed with json because right now I got to create …

xml json rss appcelerator
RFC-822 date-time format in RSS 2.0 feeds: CET not accepted?

[Updated with working solution] I have an RSS feed which gets displayed correctly in RSS clients, but when being validated …

java date formatting rss atom-feed
Google feed api deprecated, How can i find rss feed of web site?

I used Google Feed API for finding rss feeds of special keywords or websites, now this api deprecated, so i …

api rss feed google-feed-api
RSS Feed For Apple App Reviews

I am looking for some advice on how to go about getting reviews for apps on the app store. I …

rss app-store
How to bypass Tumblr's safe mode for RSS feeds

I use FeedDemon and I noticed that some Tumblr RSS feeds had stopped working recently. I thought it was random …

rss tumblr
WordPress WXR Specification

I'm trying to find a spec for the WordPress WXR import/export standard and I'm unable to find any official …

xml wordpress import rss xml-parsing
All nodeValue fields are None when parsing XML

I'm building a simple web-based RSS reader in Python, but I'm having trouble parsing the XML. I started out by …

python xml rss minidom
How to detect if a page is an RSS or ATOM feed

I'm currently building a new online Feed Reader in PHP. One of the features I'm working on is feed auto-discovery. …

php rss feedparser atom-feed