RSS Feed For Apple App Reviews

ORStudios picture ORStudios · Feb 2, 2015 · Viewed 7.2k times · Source

I am looking for some advice on how to go about getting reviews for apps on the app store. I have been using this Previous Answer for a reference

At the minute I am testing the system using the following url (Instagram):

Problem is that sometimes it produces reviews and other times it doesn't. Does anyone have any idea why this may be, I don't think I am being rate limited because I can use other ids and the results are being fetched fine.

Any suggestions or advice on an alternative method would be great.

I am developing a tool so I could really do with consistent results.



C. S. Hammersmith picture C. S. Hammersmith · Mar 11, 2015

I experienced this behaviour also. It feels as if Apple's server decides whether to send reviews by rolling dice. That said, I think you can increase chances to be accepted by adhere to the following points:

  • Include a 'page' parameter, even if you request the first page. (...customerreviews/page=1/...)
  • Include a 'sortBy' parameter (
  • Request XML instead of JSON (
  • When requesting the second or any other page up to 10th, make sure you take the url as provided in the <link rel="next" href="..."> tag

The server will still occasionally send empty feeds. I will file a radar on this soon.