Questions about mapping URLs to Controllers and Actions.
I have written a Rails 3.1 engine with the namespace Posts. Hence, my controllers are found in app/controllers/posts/, my …
ruby-on-rails-3 rspec ruby-on-rails-3.1 routesI have to call a method using pre in a route. I am using hapi-request. I tried to use pre …
node.js routes hapijsI am trying to override the culture of the current request. I got it working partly using a custom ActionFilterAttribute. …
routes constraintResolver = new DefaultInlineConstraintResolver() { ConstraintMap = { ["apiVersion"] = typeof( ApiVersionRouteConstraint ) } }; config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes(constraintResolver); config.AddApiVersioning(o => o.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true); [ApiVersion("2.05")] [RoutePrefix("… routes api-versioningI am experiencing an issue with a refactoring of our payment processing action method (called by our 3rd-party online payment … routes url-routing attributeroutingI'm currently writing an API in Clojure using Compojure (and Ring and associated middleware). I'm trying to apply different authentication …
clojure routes middleware compojure ringI'm trying to remove some boilerplate from routes in Camel. For example, let's consider the two routes, which are similar …
java templates routes apache-camel boilerplateI'm testing a camel round but when I have the route try to access a particular method in a bean …
java apache-camel routes exists methodnotfoundFor some reason when I have a dynamic property in my route and access that page I get stuck in …
angularjs infinite-loop routes