Top "Routes" questions

Questions about mapping URLs to Controllers and Actions.

Angularjs: How to inject dependency from resolve routeProvider

I have a problem injecting resolve parameters from the routing into the controller. I'm setting the resolve value to an …

angularjs routes dependencies code-injection resolve
how do i fix routes to find views inside subfolders in node.js

i am trying to create a route for localhost:port/admin/ and i want to keep the routes.js files …

node.js express routes views subdirectory
ASP.NET MVC Route: bypass staticfile handler for path

I've been googling and tinkering for a couple hours and haven't really made much progress, so hopefully someone here can …

c# .net routes httphandler
Google Maps API Version difference

I'm trying to show route between two places, I want to used Google Places API V3 for route steps between …

android google-maps google-maps-api-3 routes google-directions-api
ASSERTION ERROR: Type passed in is not ComponentType, it does not have 'ɵcmp' property

I get this error whenever the app is running, though is not causing me problems in current development (i think) …

angular routes nested-routes
RouteTable.Routes RouteCollection?

The example I see everywhere for MVC-style routing is something like this: void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { RegisterRoutes(… routes routetable
Route to multiple sub folders in CodeIgniter

I have a admin folder set up in my controllers directory, under that i have 3 seperate sub-folders with controllers inside …

php codeigniter routes codeigniter-url codeigniter-2
Update form in rails - No route matches [PUT]

I have a form to create adverts. Controllers: def edit @engines = Engine.all @car = Car.find(params[:id]) end def …

ruby-on-rails-3 forms routes insert-update
Routing Error No route matches {:action=>"show"

I only have 2 weeks learning ruby on rails, in my app the users can register their cars, from their profile (…

ruby-on-rails routing routes actioncontroller
Reloading same page in Angular 4/5 & TypeScript

I am developing a one page application with the help of routes: this.router.navigate(['/customer-home'], { skipLocationChange: true }); When …

angular typescript routing routes angular4-router