A ringtone or ring tone is the sound made by a telephone to indicate an incoming call or text message.
I've seen plenty of examples of how to set a default ringtone, but what I'm more interested in is being …
android audio drop-down-menu ringtoneI've been trying to use SoundPool to play the default ringtone without success. In the code below String ringtone = Settings.…
android ringtone soundpoolI have found lots of examples how to get default ringtone. Something like that: Uri alert = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.TYPE_…
android uri ringtone android-audiomanagerI need to set custom alarm tone in my App. Could anyone please just tell me how to set custom …
android alarm ringtonei want to play the ringtone selected in the settings of the device, but in loop mode. here you can …
android android-notifications ringtoneI'm allowing my user to pick a ringtone for notifications in my app. I want to store the URI of …
java android android-intent android-notifications ringtoneI want to access the ringtones list. How can I do that? At later I want to add/ remove ring …
android ringtone ringtonemanagerI'm trying to write an app that (among other things) will change the user's ringtone based on their location. However, …
android ringtone