Top "Return-value" questions

Return value is the result of evaluation of a return statement.

How to return value from a stage before closing it?

I have a "main stage" where I press a button to open a "second stage" where I have a table, …

javafx return-value stage
Python ctypes return values question

Why if i have this simple code void voidFunct() { printf("voidFunct called!!!\n"); } I compile it as a dynamic library …

python return-value ctypes dynamic-library
Google Mock: Return() a list of values

Via Google Mock's Return() you can return what value will be returned once a mocked function is called. However, if …

c++ return-value googlemock
How to get return value from a function called which executes in another thread in TBB?

In the code: #include <tbb/tbb.h> int GetSomething() { int something; // do something return something; } // ... tbb::tbb_thread(…

c++ multithreading return-value function-pointers tbb
What is the valid range for program return value in Linux/bash?

I have a C program which returns an integer value. I was surprised to find out that when examining the …

c bash return-value ubuntu-10.04