Top "Restructuredtext" questions

reStructuredText is a lightweight markup language intended to be highly readable in source format.

How to right-align columns content in reStructuredText simple tables?

I'm editing the documentation for a project of mine using Sphinx, which in turn uses reStructuredText as markup language. I …

python alignment python-sphinx restructuredtext tabular
Bold italic in ReStructuredText

I'm writing some documentation using ReStructuredText (ReST) format for the later web-page generation using Sphinx, and I cannot find a …

python-sphinx restructuredtext
How to insert blank line using reStructuredText / Sphinx

I want to add a blankline (or add more whitespace) between heading and the image using ReStructuredText: ==== John ==== .. image:: _static/…

python python-sphinx restructuredtext
How to underline text in reStructuredText?

Of course, on the web an underline denotes hyperlink, but what if I need underline which is not a hyperlink?

How to remove the cause of an unexpected indentation warning when generating code documentation?

The documentation code with the problem is at the beginning of a method: """ Gtk.EventBox::button-release-event signal handler. :param widget: …

python-2.7 windows-10 python-sphinx restructuredtext msys2
Are there any real alternatives to reStructuredText for Python documentation?

I'm starting an open source Python project shortly and I'm trying to decide in advance how to write my docstrings. …

python python-sphinx restructuredtext docstring
Open a link in a new window in reStructuredText

I want to open a link in a new window using reStucturedText. Is this possible? This opens link in the …

Python docstrings to GitHub

How do I transcode Python documentation strings to a GitHub file? Even though it seems like something everyone …

python markdown restructuredtext docstring manpage
How to use Python to programmatically generate part of Sphinx documentation?

I am using Sphinx to generate the documentation for a project of mine. In this project, I describe a list …

python python-sphinx restructuredtext
linked image in reStructuredText

How can I create a linked image with reStructuredText? I've found .. image:: /path/to/image.jpg for images, and external …
