How to use Python to programmatically generate part of Sphinx documentation?

mac picture mac · Aug 31, 2011 · Viewed 10.7k times · Source

I am using Sphinx to generate the documentation for a project of mine.

In this project, I describe a list of available commands in a yaml file which, once loaded, results in a dictionary in the form {command-name : command-description} for example:

commands = {"copy"  : "Copy the highlighted text in the clipboard",
            "paste" : "Paste the clipboard text to cursor location",

What I would like to know, is if there is a method in sphinx to load the yaml file during the make html cycle, translate the python dictionary in some reStructuredText format (e.g. a definition list) and include in my html output.

I would expect my .rst file to look like:

Available commands
The commands available in bla-bla-bla...

.. magic-directive-that-execute-python-code::
   :maybe python code or name of python file here:

and to be converted internally to:

Available commands
The commands available in bla-bla-bla...

  Copy the highlighted text in the clipboard

  Paste the clipboard text to cursor location

before being translated to HTML.


mac picture mac · Aug 31, 2011

At the end I find a way to achieve what I wanted. Here's the how-to:

  1. Create a python script (let's call it that will generate the reStructuredText and save it in the file. (In my example, this would be the script loading and parsing the YAML, but this is irrelevant). Make sure this file is executable!!!
  2. Use the include directive in your main .rst document of your documentation, in the point where you want your dynamically-generated documentation to be inserted:

    .. include::
  3. Modify the sphinx Makefile in order to generate the required .inc files at build time:
        ...(other stuff here)
  4. Build your documentation normally with make html.