Top "Restart" questions

Restart refers to the process where a software program or system is systematically (and preferably gracefully) shut down then automatically invoked to full functionality without intervention from the user.

Restart TeamCity server via web interface

Is there a way to restart a TeamCity server running on Windows from its web interface? I haven't found a …

teamcity restart
Automatically Restart PHP Script on Exit

Is there a way I can automatically restart a PHP script whenever it exits, regardless of whether it has been …

php bash cron sh restart
How to restart the onCreate function

I have an application and there are certain conditions when I want my activity to be recreated or the onCreate …

android android-activity restart oncreate
Can I stop all processes using CUDA in Linux without rebooting?

Is it possible to stop all running processing using the GPU via CUDA, without restarting the machine?

cuda restart kill-process
Restarting Tomcat after a successful deployment with Jenkins

How can I have Jenkins restart a Tomcat instance after a successful deployment? I already tried using a batch script, …

tomcat jenkins restart
How to restart service after the app is killed from recent tasks

I have created a service to fetch current location of the device in periodic intervals. I want the service to …

android android-service restart background-service android-service-binding
Difference between os.execl() and os.execv() in python

Is there a difference between os.execl() and os.execv() in python? I was using os.execl(python, python, *sys.…

python restart terminate os.execl
How to restart a Service after getting Killed by apps like "Advanced Task Killer"?

I have a public class that 'extends Service' and this service is launched from an activity using startService(...). But after …

android service restart
Silent Windows Installer installer without rebooting automatically

Currently I have an MSI which performs a major upgrade, and it is launched as: msiexec.exe /i installer.msi /…

windows-installer restart reboot silent
how reload the servlet without restart the tomcat6 server

If I have multiple Host definition on my $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml How can I reload the servlet without …

tomcat servlets reload restart server.xml