Top "Rest-client" questions

REST Client is an open-source HTTP and REST client for Ruby.

How to develop a simple REST Client using Swagger codegen?

I'm learning about Swagger and how to generate REST Client using Swagger codegen. I know how to do documentation with …

java spring-boot swagger rest-client swagger-codegen
The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect ().+Spring , RESTClient

I am working with Spring MVC using JSON objects. while I am tring to send JSON Object from RESTClient, I …

json spring rest-client
How to cache REST API response in java

I am building an app in java.I hit api more than 15000 times in loop and get the response ( response …

spring rest caching rest-client spring-cache
MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException: MessageBodyReader not found for media type=text/html;charset=UTF-8

I am trying to use openfire REST-API-Client. I am calling method to add user to the openfire using following code. …

java jersey openfire rest-client
How to debug/display request sent using RestClient

I am trying to use RestClient to access a webservice using post method. I am sending the authorization token as …

ruby http debugging rest-client
How to send a post request to the RESTserver api in php-Codeigniter?

I've been trying to make a POST request in my CodeIgniter RestClient controller to insert data in my RestServer, but …

php json codeigniter rest rest-client
HttpStatus become deprecated in API level 22

Usually I used to check for the server different code responses in my RestClient class using the org.apache.http.…

android http rest-client
Ruby rest-client file upload as multipart form data with basic authenticaion

I understand how to make an http request using basic authentication with Ruby's rest-client response = => :…

ruby http post basic-authentication rest-client
How do I make Ruby's RestClient gem respect content_type on post?

For instance, in the RestClient console: 'http://localhost:5001', {:a => 'b'}, :content_type => 'application/json' This …

ruby rest-client
CodeIgniter Passing POST data from RestClient to RestServer API

I've spent my whole day trying to figure out this problem. Posting this issue here is my last hope. I …

php codeigniter codeigniter-2 rest-client codeigniter-restserver