Top "Rest-client" questions

REST Client is an open-source HTTP and REST client for Ruby.

SSLError: hostname "W.X.Y.Z" does not match the server certificate

I just started to learn Ruby and after some basic things, I'm trying to understand making REST calls to a …

ruby-on-rails openssl rest-client
Stubbing RestClient response in RSpec

I have the following spec... describe "successful POST on /user/create" do it "should redirect to dashboard" do post '/…

ruby rspec sinatra rest-client
How to set multiple headers at once in Spring WebClient?

I was trying to set headers to my rest client but every time I have to write webclient.get().uri("…

spring-boot java-8 resttemplate rest-client spring-webclient
getting csrf tokens for json post requests to a rails app

I have been playing around with using rest-client to access a rails app I have written. I've written a quick …

json ruby-on-rails-3.1 csrf rest-client
Handle Connection and Read Timeouts for RestClient calls in android

I have a RestService interface with many rest calls which I am using throughout my application. I am setting timeouts …

android spring rest timeout rest-client
Correct syntax for get requests with rest-client

Right now I can make a request as follows: user = 'xxx' token = 'xxx' survey_id = 'xxx' response = RestClient.get "https://…

ruby rest-client
RestClient.get returning certificate verify failed

I am trying hit an internal testing API server using RestClient and Ruby v. 2.2.1. This is essentially the code: url = "…

ruby ssl rest-client
How to send POST request to Phil Sturgeon's CodeIgniter RestServer

I'm new to CodeIgniter. I'm using Phil Sturgeon's RestServer and RestClient. I've been trying to make a POST request in …

codeigniter rest rest-client http-post
RestClient failing to GET resource using SSL client certificate

I'm trying to use RestClient to retrieve a page that's secured using an SSL client certificate. My code is as …

ruby ssl rest-client
Rails RestClient POST request failing with "400 Bad Request"

Looking at the docs there aren't any good examples of how to make a POST request. I need to make …

ruby-on-rails rest-client