I am building an app in java.I hit api more than 15000 times in loop and get the response ( response is static only )
username in for loop
GET api.someapi/username
end loop
It is taking hours to complete all the calls. Suggest me any way (any cache technology) to reduce the call time.
P.S :
1) i am hitting api from java rest client(Spring resttemplate)
2) that api i am hitting is the public one, not developed by me
3) gonna deploy in heroku
One very important note to that answer: If you ever plan to update those (cached) values, don't forget to use @CacheEvict on save() and delete() in the repositories. Else you will have problems fetching the new record when it is updated.
I have implemented my solution (with EhCache) this way (in the repository):
CurrencyRepository.java: // define a cacheable statement
public Currency findOneByIdentifier(String identifier);
CacheConfiguration.java: // Define that cache in EhCache Configuration
public JCacheManagerCustomizer cacheManagerCustomizer() {
return cm -> {
cm.createCache("currencyByIdentifier", jcacheConfiguration);
cm.createCache("sourceSystemByIdentifier", jcacheConfiguration);
CurrencyRepository.java: // evict on save and delete by overriding the default method
<S extends Currency> S save(S currency);
void delete(Currency currency);
I hope that helps :)