Top "Responsive-design" questions

Responsive Web Design (RWD) is an approach to Web design and development that aims at crafting sites to provide optimal experiences across a wide range of devices based on screen size, platform, and orientation.

Using jcrop on responsive images

Since jcrop is now working on touch screens I want to do a web app that uses it. I have …

jquery html css responsive-design jcrop
MaterializeCSS how can i make row column height the same?

I have a basic grid on materializeCSS my problem is my column is not the same height so my layout …

responsive-design grid materialize responsive responsiveness
Fluid Images: How to set width and height?

I'm trying to build a fluid layout, for which I am styling big images with: .fluid_img { height: auto; width: …

html css image fluid-layout responsive-design
how to make padding responsive in mobile view?

I'm using wordpress and I used CSS to make the width of my 'About' and 'Contact' page more centered and …

css wordpress mobile responsive-design responsive
Responsive Semantic UI React Grid, Columns, Rows

I'm having trouble making Semantic UI React grid fully responsive, at least respond the way I want for Desktop, Tablet …

css responsive-design grid responsiveness semantic-ui-react
How do I make rows in Zurb Foundation 4/5 full screen?

By default, rows in Zurb Foundation 4 and 5 run at a max width of 1000px, even on very large monitors, which …

css web responsive-design zurb-foundation boilerplate
"-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch" causing vertical scrolling problems on mobile

I am in the process of making a responsive mobile website. When testing on my phone, I noticed that I …

css responsive-design mobile-webkit
Flutter how to create responsive Text widget?

I'm facing a problem with responsive texts. In my app are different text font sizes and I need to do …

text flutter responsive-design autosize
How can I enable zoom on Android?

That's right, I want to enable zooming rather than disabling it. I have created a responsive website and all is …

android html google-chrome responsive-design meta-tags
Bootstrap 3 responsive with multiple break points

I'm using latest Bootstrap 3.0 RC1 and trying to build an image overview with responsiveness and multiple break points when the …

twitter-bootstrap grid responsive-design fluid-layout twitter-bootstrap-3